Submit Appetizers, Pickles, Relishes, Jellies


Please complete the following information for our new On-line Family Cookbook! You can submit as many of your specialties as you wish! One at a time...... 

If you need help -Contact me: email

Use this form for Appetizers, Pickles, Relishes, Jellies only!

The title of your recipe: (all caps here)

Your Name:

Your e-mail address: (optional)

Recipe type (i.e. soup, salad, main course, side dish):

How many people your recipe serves:

Ingredients and measures: (separate with a (;) semicolon)

Directions for preparing and cooking:

Your comments on your dish:

NOTE: Double check your information!  Once you press the submit button below it cannot be corrected. Be sure to put semicolons after each ingredient. Thanks

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Revised: December 20, 2008